The program aims to expand on the human rights guaranteed to boys, girls and teenagers –vulnerable victims to violence and lack of education—through widespread accessibility to education and the channeling of efforts from government entities, community organizations and cooperation agencies to face this issue.
Our company’s education area has specialized in tending to the needs and difficulties of vulnerable communities, specifically those affected by armed conflicts and natural disasters. For over ten years, our peer-reviewed and academically-oriented project implementation has been recognized for its effectiveness in bridging the education gap. Our company holds an extensive print collection on this subject, has in-depth knowledge of academic culture and educational requirements, institutions and teachers, as well as as direct work with the educational community in the design and implementation of youth-oriented educational plans, specifically for risk prevention.
The company works through
Approaching the benefitted communities to better asses their expectations and needs.
Context assessment: diagnosis of protection needs.
Teaching skills development workshops.
Development skills for children, teenagers and young adults.
Development skills for parents.
Community organization centered in the local educational community. Community mobilization centered on infant protection.
Follow-ups and groundwork: in-ground expert team assessment and readiness.
Dextro guarantees:
Constant procurement of resources for the strengthening of developing processes.
Design of high-quality technical projects.
Operational capacity in areas of difficult access and public-order hazards.
Results that transform the reality of benefitted communities.
US Phone: 703-726-8795 MX Tel: 55 4124-0189 / 55 4124-0190
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